Cyperus aggregatus

(Willd.) Endl. (1842)

This name is accepted

Kingdom: Viridiplantae Phylum: Magnoliophyta Class/Clade: Monocots Order: Poales Family: Cyperaceae Genus: Cyperus

inflatedscale flatsedge, inflated-scale flatsedge


Key Characters:

Growth Form: Herbs, perennial, cespitose, rhizomatous.

Stems: Culms trigonous, 20–100 cm × 0.8–2.5 mm, glabrous.


Leaves: Leaves simple. Leaves 5–10, V–shaped to flanged V–shaped, 10–70(–90) cm × 2–7 mm. Surfaces of margins and midribs scabridulous or glabrous. Margins entire. Sheathing. Stipules absent.

Flowers: Flowers in inflorescences: spikes 1(–6), densely cylindric, 6–30 × 5–11 mm; rays 3–12, 0.4–5(–7) cm; rays and rachis glabrous; usually only 1–2 spikes of inflorescence on elongate rays, other spikes sessile or nearly so; bracts 4–7, horizontal to slightly ascending, 1–16 cm × 0.5–4 mm; rachilla deciduous, wings persistent, 0.5 mm wide. spikelets 20–80, ellipsoid, roughly quadrangular, 3–5 × 1–1.4 mm; floral scales 1–2(–4), appressed, stramineous to golden brown, often red–speckled, medially greenish, 9–ribbed, elliptic to ovate, 2.4–3.4 × 1.8–2.6 mm, apex obtuse. Flowers bisexual (perfect). Corolla (petals) absent. Stamens 3; anthers 0.4–0.6 mm. Ovary superior; styles 0.7–1.1 mm; stigmas 1.4–2.1 mm.

Fruit: Achenes dark brown to reddish brown; sessile; broadly ellipsoid; 1.8–2.1 × 0.8–1 mm; apex apiculate; surfaces glabrous to finely puncticulate. Seeds 1; seed coat thin; free from pericarp; embryo basal; endosperm abundant.


Habitat: Dry roadsides; pastures; thickets.

Elevation Range: 0–500 m.

Historical Distribution

Uses and Culture


Natural History

Statewide Status


Island Status

Maui Naturalized

Dispersal Agents



Name Published In: Cat. Horti Vindob. 1: 93 (1842)

Other References

Starr & Starr 2015:24 (NEWNAT/EM, DESCR)


SNo. Scientific Name Scientific Name Authorship Locality Habitat Basis of Record Recorded By Record Number Island Source Date
1 Cyperus aggregatus (Willd.) Endl. Olinda, Hawea Pl. Residential garden. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forest Starr Starr-110910-01 Maui PTBG 9/10/2011
2 Cyperus aggregatus (Willd.) Endl. Olinda, Hawea Pl., in lawn. Mesic lawn. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Starr, F.; Starr, K. 110128-01 Maui US 1/28/2011
3 Cyperus aggregatus (Willd.) Endl. olinda, hawea pl., scattered in lawn and disturbed sites. Residential garden and lawn PRESERVED_SPECIMEN f. starr & k. starr 110910-01 Maui US 9/10/2011
4 Cyperus aggregatus (Willd.) Endl. Olinda, Hawea Pl., scattered in lawn and disturbed sites. Residential garden and lawn PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Starr, F.; Starr, K. 110910-01 Maui US 9/10/2011
5 Cyperus aggregatus (Willd.) Endl. olinda, hawea pl., in lawn. Mesic lawn. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN f. starr & k. starr 110128-01 Maui US 1/28/2011
6 Cyperus aggregatus (Willd.) Endl. Olinda. Hawea Pl. In lawn. Also found on margins of lawn. Naturalized. Mesic lawn of mostly Pennisetum clandestinum. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Starr, F. 110128-01 Maui BISH 1/28/2011
7 Cyperus aggregatus (Willd.) Endl. Olinda, Hawea Pl.. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Starr, F. 110910-01 Maui BISH 9/10/2011
8 Cyperus aggregatus (Willd.) Endl. olinda, hawea pl.. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN starr, f. starr, k. collector number: 110910-01 Maui BISH 9/10/2011
9 Cyperus aggregatus (Willd.) Endl. olinda. hawea pl. in lawn. Also found on margins of lawn. Naturalized. Mesic lawn of mostly Pennisetum clandestinum. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN starr, f. starr, k. collector number: 110128-01 Maui BISH 1/28/2011